Please read these 'site terms of use' carefully before using our site.
We assume that you have accepted the following conditions by using this shopping system and shopping:
The web pages on our site and all pages connected to it ('site') ……………………… is located in and operated by ………………………………. company ('Company'). While using all the services offered on the site, you ('User') continue to benefit from and use the services on the site, subject to the following conditions; You have the right to contract according to the rules you are bound to, the authority and legal capacity and that you can use it over the age of 18, you have read this agreement, you have accepted it depending on your information and the conditions written in the agreement.
These contract terms, the rights and payments related to the site subject to the agreement are imposed and the agreements declare and undertake to fulfill the Bluetooth transition rights and obligations completely, correctly, on time, under the conditions requested in this agreement when they are accepted/approved online or in writing.
The company always reserves the right to make changes to the prices and the products and services offered.
The company accepts and undertakes that the member will benefit from the services subject to the contract, except for technical malfunctions.
The user accepts in advance that he/she will not make any changes to the use of the site or open resources or perform any other action for the purpose of obtaining them, otherwise, and that legal and criminal proceedings will be initiated against the 3rd parties responsible for the damages that will arise.
The user accepts that the company may terminate unilaterally without the need for any notification and warning in the event that they copy or provide incorrect information and that this contract is in progress by the Member.
The name of the Internet service provider and Internet Protocol (IP) address used by the company because the internet can be changed, expanded and/or transformed into a legal framework, the date and time the site was accessed, the pages accessed from the location on the site and the Internet address of the Web that provides direct connection to the site can be collected. The user accepts the collection of this information.
The user agrees that he/she will not produce or accept content that is against general morality and etiquette, against the law, violating the rights of 3rd parties, misleading, harmful, obscene, pornographic, violating personal rights, contrary to copyright, and does not encourage illegal activities on the rights of the site, in any section of the site or in its communications. Otherwise, he/she is fully responsible for the damage and in this case, such accounts found on the ‘Site’ may be suspended, terminated, and the fee for initiating legal action is reserved. For this reason, information about activities or user accounts emerges from judicial authorities, and sharing this information with the authorities is reserved.
The site is responsible for the relationships of individuals or third parties.
2.1. All registered or unregistered intellectual property rights such as title, business name, brand, patent, logo, design, information and method on this Site belong to the company operating and owning the site or the specified relevant party and are under national and international legal protection. Visiting this Site or using the services on this Site does not grant any rights regarding the said intellectual property rights.
2.2. The information on the Site cannot be reproduced, published, copied, presented and/or transferred in any way. The whole or part of the Site cannot be used on another website without permission. In the event of such a violation, the user will cover all other expenses, including but not limited to the compensation and court costs and attorney fees requested from the Company due to the damages suffered by third parties.
3.1. The Company will not disclose the personal information transmitted by users through the Site to 3rd Parties. This personal information; It includes all kinds of information such as personal name-surname, address, telephone number, mobile phone, e-mail address, and other information intended to identify the User, and will be referred to as ‘Confidential Information’ in short.
3.2. The User accepts and declares his/her approval for the sharing of his/her communication, portfolio status and demographic participations or affiliated group companies of the company that owns the Site, limited to his/her presence within the scope of marketing activities such as promotion, advertisement, campaign, promotion, announcement, etc., and for receiving electronic messages regarding him/her or his/her participations. This personal information is used within the company to determine customer profiles, to implement customer pr